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The SEO process: how it works

Before you start with your SEO project, you need to understand first how the whole SEO process works. The process of SEO is a long and complex one; therefore, we are going to discuss it here by piding the entire process into six basic steps.

These six steps involved in the process of SEO do not signify a beginning nor an end. Just because you are done with the sixth step does not mean that it is over. SEO is a continuous process that has no end. What you do after you have finished the final stage of the process is move back to the first one and start all over. If you want your success to continue indefinitely, you must be willing to monitor results and create engaging and effective content as much as possible.

SEO process
Here are the six steps in the SEO process.

  1. Research
  2. Goal Setting and Reporting
  3. Building Content
  4. Page Optimization
  5. Link Building
  6. Follow-up Analysis and Reporting

Research. This process involves looking for the keywords which will appear on the articles to be put on the website. This is an extremely important step, and it always requires a lot of time and effort. Looking for great phrase sets requires a mix of two significant aspects: high searcher usage, and low competition in search engines.

There are online tools that you can use in order to make your research simpler. Some software allows researchers to determine how a particular keyword was used by searchers, and how many searchers used that particular keyword. However, the most used keywords by researchers may also be the ones used most by SEO writers, so it would be futile to make use of these words for your content.

Goal Setting and Reporting.
Once you have acquired the keywords that you need, the next step is to determine the starting position of your website. How is its standing right now? What factors of the website need to be improved? This process is necessary because the findings of this study will eventually be used as the gauge by which all levels of success will be measured.

Once these have been resolved, you will then focus on developing an SEO plan. The goals you will establish for your website will be measurable, something which is considered as an advantage in search engine optimization, and it will always be linked to the business objectives of your website.

Content Building.
Content is the primary concern in search engine optimization. If you want your website to be successful, you have to do something to improve the content of your website. Search engines are fans of high quality and high volume texts. If you want to rank high in their search results lists, you need to make significant improvements and maintain a standard in your writing. Remember that the people who are searching online are looking to read information. Therefore, you should do your best to provide that information in the highest quality possible. This ensures that your website will enjoy a steady flow of traffic.

Page Optimization.
Once your website has excellent content, the next thing that you need to be concerned about is optimizing it. To do this, remember the following:
Make your titles interesting. Do not just stick with one company name or the basic “welcome” sign.

Include text-based navigation in your website. Your website should supply text-based navigation so that search engines can properly index them. Remember that search engines are unable to index images, so you need to provide texts which can be read by the search engines.

Social and Link Building.
The next phase involves getting in touch with your SEO audience. You can build social links by advertising your website on social media. An increasing number of people are now using social media, so a great way to get to them is to endorse on social media. At the same time, you should also build links with other SEO writers and websites by providing both inbound and outbound links. Guest blogging is one way you can increase the traffic of your website because you are providing publicity for your company by serving as a guest on another website.

Follow-up Reporting and Analysis.
At the beginning of your campaign, you engaged in reporting and analysis. Now that the whole process has been executed, the final step that you are going to take is reflecting on your current accomplishments and checking if there are any improvements that you can do for your website. Site traffic levels, rankings, and social signals are compared with their levels before the campaigns and improvements started. Here, you will check if there is any remarkable change in the amount of traffic that your website receives. The measurements that you are going to use will be determined by the goals of your website.

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